Welcome to the Law and Courts Section’s webpage! Our section promotes innovative teaching and research about Law and Courts within and beyond the American Political Science Association. We aim to develop a culture of scholarly excellence and inclusion where all individuals are respected, treated fairly, supported, and offered equitable opportunities to excel. We are committed to diverse scholarship, ideas, and methodologies. We believe that continued top-down and grassroots efforts are needed to improve the representation of women, people of color, and gender and sexual minorities in our section. Such efforts foster a more innovative, integrated, and competitive field.
To learn more about the Law and Courts Section and the people in it, explore the submenu under The Section, which includes information about our committees, leadership, and bylaws.
If you’re looking for inspiration for a new or revised course, check out our Syllabus Repository for example syllabi from individuals throughout the discipline. Here, you’ll find innovative approaches to teaching and assessment.
If you’re working on new law and courts research, navigate to Data and Resources or Publications for useful research links, including datasets, articles from the Journal of Law and Courts, book reviews from the Law and Politics Book Review, and the Law and Courts Newsletter.
Click on Connect to see the wide range of social media platforms we’re on. You can also engage with other law and courts scholars by reading our Blog or by attending one of our virtual Brownbag sessions to learn about some of the cutting-edge work being done in our Section.
Like what you see here? Join our section and help us move the discipline forward!
Renée Ann Cramer, Law and Courts Section Chair,
[email protected]